What is WWOOF China?
WWOOF China is an organization that connects travelers in China with places to stay, work and learn in China.
WWOOF China has been pairing farms in China with tourists who want to learn about agriculture and farming techniques in China since 2006.
自2006年起,WWOOF China已经开始串联中国有机农场主人和想要了解中国农业与农业技术的游客。
If you have a farm, garden, vineyard, fishery, tea, silkworms or forest and follow organic, permaculture or sustainability farming, consider registering as a farm Host with WWOOF China.
如果你从事农业、园艺、果业、渔业、茶业、蚕业和牧业并且对有机产品、朴门永续、可持续农业感兴趣,可以考虑加入我们WWOOF China,成为一个农场主人。
WWOOFers are tourists from all over the world, including residents of China, who want to experience learning about agriculture, aquaculture and farming in China by volunteering. They are called WWOOFers.
WWOOF 会员是来自世界各地的想要在中国学习农业和水产业的志愿者游客。
WWOOFers are volunteers who can provide an extra pair of hands to help with various projects on your farm or land.
Register to become a WWOOF China Farm Host
WWOOF中国. 申请成为一名WWOOF中国主人家庭
WWOOF volunteers do not pay the Hosts for their stay.
WWOOF Hosts do not pay volunteers for their help.
Goals of WWOOF China
To provide a means for people traveling in China to work and learn on Organic Farms, learn local agricultural practices and meet local Chinese people by living, working and learning with them, and through that process to have genuine exchanges with them.
WWOOF中国的目的. 提供有机耕作的机会去学习和工作,作为一个志愿者。为当地中国人提供邀请外国旅游者前来住宿并与他们交换知识、语言、工作和学习的机会。
What does “WWOOF” mean? (A history of “WWOOF”)
“WWOOF” began in England in about 1970. It has now spread to about 40 countries around the world. It was and still is means for people to meet and collaborate in a down-to-earth fashion, to learn about down-to-earth issues such as growing and preparing healthy food, and healthy living, helping each other with work and learning.
WWOOF的含义(WWOOF的历史. WWOOF于1970年在英国成立。现在已经发展到世界上约40个国家。它曾经是也仍然是人们在脚踏实地意义上接触并合作的方式;学习实际知识的方式,如种植并提供健康食物和健康生活,在工作和学习上互相帮忙。
To become a WWOOF China host, you must:
Operate or work with an Organic Farm or Natural Permaculture or Agriculture.
Have a genuine interest in meeting and exchanging learning and work with travelers.
Be able to provide a place for WWOOF China travelers to sleep.
Be able to provide the WWOOF China traveler with three meals a day.
Have some work for a WWOOF China traveler who comes to your farm to do each day.
Have some quality time to spend with the WWOOF China traveler each day to share work and learning, language, etc.
One roof is one WWOOF China host. If you have an extended family, living in a number of different houses, and you want WWOOF China travelers to stay under more then one roof, then each one of those different houses will need to become a WWOOF China host.
一间住房就是一个WWOOF中国主人家庭. 如果你有很多家人,他们住在不同的房子里,而且你想让WWOOF中国旅游者住宿在他们那里,那么每个住房都需要成为一个WWOOF中国主人。什么样的人会成为WWOOF中国的旅游者? 通常是来自外国,如来自美国、欧洲、日本、澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰等国家的,想在中国接触实际地旅游并学习的人们。
What kind of work must I have for the WWOOF China traveler to do?
As long as the work you are asking the WWOOF China traveler to do is safe, any and all work is okay. WWOOFers expect to work in agriculture on a farm and to help with natural farming techniques.
How much does it cost to be a WWOOF China Host for one year? In order to increase the number of rural hosts in China, it is currently free for Hosts to register. Note, Hosts do not have access to the list of other hosts. Only registered WWOOFers have access to the full host directory.
The Host does not ask the WWOOFer for any payment of money. 主机不问志愿者,为支付任何款项。帮助他们的工作是与主机交换。
How long should I let WWOOFer’s stay at my home/farm?
This is up to you. It can be just some days, or a week or two, or longer. Whatever suits you.
Uploading photos of your farm to your profile makes your listing more attractive to WWOOFers when they can see what your farm or housing looks like.
As a WWOOF China Host you agree to provide comfortable, clean housing and three meals a day in exchange for 3-5 hours a day of help and assistance from your WWOOFers.
作为一名WWOOF 中国农场主人,你需要提供干净舒适的住宿和一日三餐,WWOOF会员将提供3-5小时的免费农场服务。
No money is exchanged between Hosts and WWOOFers. WWOOF is a cultural exchange program and not a work program. As a host you should never ask for more than the agreed upon 3-5 hours of help a day. WWOOFers agree not to ask for wages. 农场主人和WWOOF会员之间无金钱交易。WWOOF不是工作中介而是文化交流项目。农场主人绝不允许提出超时工作要求,同时,WWOOF会员也不允许要求工资。
In order to host WWOOFers you will need to join WWOOF China and fill out a Host Profile which will appear in the WWOOF China Directory of Hosts.
现在加入我们WWOOF China,您只需免费注册并填写农场主人基本信息即可。
As soon as you register and complete your profile, your listing will be visible to registered WWOOFers.一旦注册为农场主人,WWOOF会员们即可浏览您的信息。会员们将开始联系您来进一步了解农场情况以便他们做出最终决定。
When the WWOOFer arrives ask to see their WWOOFer Permit to establish their identity.
Please include all the information a tourist will need to contact you by phone or email.
WWOOFers will begin contacting you to determine which farms they will visit.
Please respond to all inquiries from WWOOFers, even if you are unable to accept WWOOFers at that time.
WWOOFers typically spend half a day on farms in exchange for educational opportunities, room and meals.
WWOOF is an educational and cultural exchange program and hosts do not offer stipends or other monetary compensation to WWOOFers. WWOOFers do not ask for compensation for the help they provide.
WWOOF 是一个教育性质的文化交流组织,农场主人不必支付提供任何工资或津贴,WWOOF会员也不能向农场
Register to become a WWOOF China Farm Host
WWOOF中国. 申请成为一名WWOOF中国主人家庭